The Benefits to New Hampshire small business of Outsourcing Bookkeeping and Payroll Services to an Accountant

Feb 9th, 2017

There are several advantageous reasons why New Hampshire small business owners should consider outsourcing their bookkeeping and payroll services. Taxes are complicated and the IRS continually makes payroll more difficult each year. The following highlights several advantages to outsourcing accounting-related services to an accountant.


Time - By outsourcing standard bookkeeping and tax-related services, employees can spend more time on company-related work instead of being distracted by payroll taxes, business invoices, IRS updates, regulation changes, etc.


Money - Instead of hiring a full-time accountant or bookkeeper, consider saving money by outsourcing. Not only will companies save annual salaries, they can also save money in valuable and costly benefits.


Experts -By choosing an accountant with a Business Owners Package, customers receive access to unlimited email and telephone consultations, including ways to minimize taxes. Skilled staff are able to effectively manage payroll and bookkeeping services, helping ensure government-related tax compliance.


Focus - Outsourcing bookkeeping allows companies to avoid stretching full-time bookkeepers too thin, as they often have other tasks to complete, such as administration functions, reception tasks, etc.


Teamwork - Hiring an experienced bookkeeper in New Hampshire gives a small business company access to a team of experts that offer bookkeeping services, priority payroll services, hosting of QuickBooks and software support, personal and business taxes and much more. Appletree's team of experts specializes in monthly financial statement preparation, tax preparation services, tax returns, bank account reconciliation, payroll, cash-flow management, budgeting assistance, tax planning and projections, part-time on-demand Controller and accurate up-to-date financial records. Forgoing last minute tax surprises, companies can access their financial information online 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


Systems - Because you want an expert who is informed about the latest government tax codes and law changes, outsourcing helps pay for up-to-date knowledge, which ultimately saves companies valuable money in the end. Companies have access to the latest tax codes, without spending precious money paying bookkeepers or on staff accountants to attend seminars. Additionally, as an added bonus, if you are using an accountant that hosts your software for you, all data is backed up every night, ensuring that companies' records are well documented and IRS audits do not turn into a nightmare.


Whether a company grows or decreases in size, Appletree is there to help offer valuable, up-to-date outsourced accounting services. Switch accountants and be pleasantly surprised by the easy transition.

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Copyright 2017 by Steven A Feinberg (@CPAsteve) of Appletree Business Services LLC, a PASBA member accountant, located in Londonderry, New Hampshire.

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