Appletree Business Services:
 Business Consulting

Business Consulting

We speak with plenty of small business owners who are frustrated they're not reaching their goals. Appletree's team brings experience to increase sales, streamline operations, and get your time back. Our consulting plans start with an initial free consultation, followed by biweekly planning sessions where we bring your ideas to life.


Challenges You Face as a Small Business Owner

My Sales/Profit Have Plateaued

We’ll start with a full brand analysis followed by a mutli-pronged approach to content marketing, CRM implementation, and a productivity audit to help you get over the hump of stuck sales.

I’m Frustrated With Employee Turnover

With improved hiring systems, career pathing, and leadership building, your business can increase employee retention and overcome the stress of turnover.

I Feel Like I Should Be Growing Faster

Even growing companies know they can move faster and save time through continuous improvement, that’s why our team of experts can provide perspective and build momentum to get your business where you want it to be.

I Want to Hire a Sales Person

Appletree can help you create a strategy to recruit and train a knowledgable sales staff—starting from your very first hire.

I Have No Time. The Business Totally Relies on Me

A clear operation manual coupled with informed automation and delegation can take the weight of keeping your business afloat off your shoulders while still increasing productivity.

Appletree Consultants Work Alongside You to Grow Faster, Save Time, & Improve Profitability

Think of our sessions as equal parts strategy, accountability and implementation. You’ll finally have a knowledgeable professional you can talk to regularly that will get you growing again. Common topics include a sales playbook, recruiting strategies, branding and go to market plans, operations manual, and financial models.

Goal Setting

No more vague wishlists—Appletree can help you set concrete business goals and achieve them.

Cash Flow Planning

Budgeting, payroll, and taxes are well within our wheelhouse and we can make sure all of your assets are performing for your business.

Profitability Analysis

We’ll start with a free consultation to identify any weak spots in your current margins and prescribe actionable items to increase your profitability.

Leadership Skills

Leadership is everything when it comes to owning a business. Our biweekly sessions will focus on both the hard and soft skills that make for an effective leader.

Internal Processes and Systems

Brand strategies, workflow, automation, and delegation all work hand in hand to make your business run more smoothly than ever.

Sales and Marketing Strategy

Starting from your very first hire, we’ll help you build a capable team that’s incentivized and ready to help your business thrive.

Let’s Help Eliminate Your Stress

If you choose Appletree Business Services for your bookkeeping, payroll or tax needs, you’ll find that good things begin to happen in your business. Your common financial challenges will become simple with a clear map to create your ideal situation. More than that, we’ll identify your “typical” stresses and help make them go away.