If you used independent contractors to perform services for your business or trade, and you paid the...
READ MOREFirst, why do you care about whether your help is a sub or an employee? Because you can push the tax...
READ MOREMany employers outsource their payroll and related tax duties to third-party payers such as payroll ...
READ MOREHave you received all of your W-2s? These documents are essential for completing individual tax retu...
READ MOREWouldn't it be great if you could deduct all the expenses for your hobby? Well, unfortunate...
READ MOREBusinesses with fewer than 25 employees that pay at least 50% of the health care insurance premiums ...
READ MOREEffective January 1, 2014, Businesses who DO NOT have a group insurance health plan set up for their...
READ MOREAs a business owner in New Hampshire, make sure you're getting these employer tax benefits benefits:...
READ MOREIt's not often that we see the price of something go down, but the IRS has determined that it's now ...
READ MOREShowing 118 to 126 of 137 results
If you choose Appletree Business Services for your bookkeeping, payroll or tax needs, you’ll find that good things begin to happen in your business. Your common financial challenges will become simple with a clear map to create your ideal situation. More than that, we’ll identify your “typical” stresses and help make them go away.